Hadith about Husband and Wife Love

Never Cheat

NEVER CHEAT  "When you're married, remember you're married to a servant of Allah, so if you treat t…

Pray for your spouse every day

"Pray for your spouse every day. You might be the only person in their life who is praying for them.&quo…

A Righteous Wife

The Prophet ﷺ said, "There is nothing better in this world than  A Righteous Wife ." Sunan Ibn…

Make her feel like a Queen

"If he has Deen, he will certainly make you feel like a queen."                               Ins…

Together Forever

Marriage does not guarantee you will be together forever, it's only paper. It take love, respect, trust…

Pleased with her

"The woman who dies in the state of her husband being pleased with her will enter Jannah (Paradise) Ra…

Be Patient

One day, someone will walk into your life and make you see why Allah said 'be patient' , Trust His timi…

Express your love for your wife

Women  like  attention and they like to be told clearly that they are  loved. Don't be stingy  in express…

I will be in Jannah with you

I Cannot Stay With You Forever In This Temporary Dunya, But At The Gates Of Jannah, I'll Be Waiting For You

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