On Friday's there is an hour ask Allah for good at that time ...
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, "On Friday there is an hour when no Muslim happens to ask Allah for good …
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, "On Friday there is an hour when no Muslim happens to ask Allah for good …
" Sometimes you have no shoulder to cry on. But never forget that you always have a ground to put your …
“ A time of patience will come to people in which adhering to one's religion is like grasping a hot coal. " (Sunan …
Allah's timing is perfect in every matter. We don’t always understand the wisdom behind it. But we have to learn to t…
Sometimes Allah Responds to your Prayers by Giving You a GOOD FRIEND
1. Allah says "They(spouses) are Clothing for you and you are clothing for them" "... They are Clothing fo…
Spend time with your parents. Treat them well . Because one day, when you look up from your phone they wo…
The Qur'an Is Amazing You Can Recite It Billions Times, And Still Find Gems You Didn't Notice B…
If You Keep Reminding Your Heart About Allah, There Will Come A Time When Your Heart Will Remind You Of ALLAH…
How many times have we said, “Don’t worry! I’ll do it for you tomorrow!” We easily make promises and set appo…
"Time, respect, love and support are the greatest gifts you can give your spouse."